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 About Our Church

Royal Oak Presbyterian Church (ROPC) has served Jesus in the heart of our community for over 200 years but we look toward the future as we live out Christ's call everyday to go and make disciples!


Our Vision

ROPC is called to be a Christ-centered, prayerful family of faith seeking a servant's heart, caring for one another, and sharing the love of Jesus with the world. 


Who We Are

ROPC is an inter-generational community of believers brought together by the transforming grace of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to know God and to make Him known in this present generation.We give thanks for a godly heritage and we strive to raise up the next generation with hope-filled anticipation of what God is going to accomplish through them to build His earthly Kingdom.


About the Presbyterian ChurchAs Presbyterians we stand firmly rooted in the reformed tradition which enthusiastically declares that God is at the center of all of life. Salvation is not our work but God's. We are saved by God's boundless grace through a trusting faith in Jesus Christ. It was through Christ's death and resurrection that we have hope and a future.


God comes to us in free and undeserved favor in the person of Jesus Christ who lived, died, and rose for us that we might belong to God and serve Christ in the world. As Christ’s disciples, called to minister in his name, we seek to continue his mission of proclaiming the truth of God's Word, healing the broken-hearted, feeding the hungry and welcoming strangers. Jesus sends His Holy Spirit to dwell within us giving us the ability to serve Him through serving others with energy, imagination, and love.


Our Goal

At ROPC our goal is to make disciples who glorify Christ in all they do. Our fellowship is founded on the Great Commandment to love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. Our mission is founded on the Great Commission to go and make disciples both here and around the world.


We believe all of us, by virtue of our baptism into Christ, are called to minister in His name. No matter how or where in the world we serve Jesus Christ, we are focused on joyfully proclaiming the gospel through words of grace and acts of service. Our hope is to strengthen both individuals and families so that they are empowered to fulfill Jesus' unique call on their lives.  





February 19, 2025

 Wednesday Night Programs at 6:30pm 

Adult Bible Study on "Acts" (Fellowship Hall)

 ROK Choir & Plunge (Downstairs Classrooms #1 & #3)

Middle School & Senior High Youth (Youth Center)

Free Infant Child-Care Every Sunday!

(Infants & Children Up to 3 Years Old) 

During Adult Sunday School & Sunday Worship 


Children 3 Years Old - Through First Grade

They worship with their families until around 10:30am 

& then are excused for our Children's Program

with our Children's Ministry volunteers. 


Adult Sunday School

Every Sunday at 8:45am in the Conference Room

Currently Studying the Gospel of John 


Men's Breakfast & Bible Study

We are currently reading through the Gospel of Luke

Tuesdays at 8:00am at the Sisters' Cafe in Marion


Online Video Library!

Our Rightnow Media online church library has over 20,000 Bible Study Videos! 

We invite you to set up your free Rightnow Media account by going to this link:



Worship on Sundays begins at 10:00 a.m. (Livestreamed on Facebook & later uploaded onto Youtube)


Online giving is available!

Simply download the GivePlus mobile app from Google Playstore or the App Store on iPhone.  Once you download the app, enter our zip code or search by the church's name, and Royal Oak Presbyterian Church will be available to select.  Or click on the link provided at the bottom of this page.

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